Saturday, July 11, 2009


I haven't blogged here in a very long time. For a while, I thought of just closing this blog down but I'm going to keep it and attempt to update it more often. I can't believe what I've done in the last few months. I was so terrified of opening up my Etsy shop but it's been one of the best decisions I've ever made. I haven't made a huge amount of sales, only about 7 so far, but opening up my shop and continuing with it has made me realize that this is something I should be doing. It feels so right, and I'm so happy about all of the positive feedback I've been getting. I'm happy that people want to buy my dolls to begin with! I've been branching out from monkeys and now have sock bears, dogs, elephants, and one lonely monster up in the shop now. It's been a wonderful journey so far. I shipped out a monkey to the U.K. a couple of weeks ago and I couldn't believe it. It felt great! I can't wait to see where else my little shop will take me, and most importantly, I'm still having fun!

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